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Final Presentations: August 16th

Our student interns gave a marvelous presentation on their summer research projects this past Friday. We are so proud of their growth as not only scientists but also as young professionals. We wish them the absolute best in whatever they pursue in the future!

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Personal Genetics Education Project: August 9th

We would like to give a huge shout out to pgED for facilitating a thought-provoking and educational presentation on personal genetics. We aim to expose our student interns to cutting edge research and hope to excite them about how fast science evolves. pgED aims to raise awareness and increase conversation about the potential benefits as well as the ethical, legal, and social implications of personal genetics. They strive to be inclusive of all voices in these discussions, regardless of socioeconomic or educational background, cultural, or religious affiliation, and ethic or personal identity.To learn more about them visit their web page at !! 


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Spaulding Rehabilitation Center: August 2nd 

This past Friday the students visited Spaulding hospital. Here they met specialists in sports medicine, spinal cord injury, and amputations. They learned about a very important field of medicine that is often lacking representation. They were also able to have a Q&A with the chief resident who has an untraditional path to medicine. 


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Special Guest: Dr. MeNore Lake: July 26th
