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(Note: '-n 1' is needed for srun command. It make sure only run one copy of the command.)
First create a script, in this example named, that contains both the scheduler flags, with the usual format #SBATCH flag, and the commands to be executed. In this second example the command to be executed is date which will return the current date and time.
Similarly to the first example the date command is preceded by srun -n 1 to execute it as a single,separate slurm step so that the following sacct command can be used to report the job resource usage.
Code Block |
#!/bin/bash #SBATCH -p short #SBATCH -t 0-0:10:0 #SBATCH -o myJob.out #SBATCH --mem=2G unset SLURM_CPU_BIND srun -n 1 date sleep 5 # wait for slurm to get the job status into its database sacct --format=JobID,Submit,Start,End,State,Partition,ReqTRES%30,CPUTime,MaxRSS,NodeList%30 --units=M -j $SLURM_JOBID |
Code Block |
#!/bin/bash #SBATCH -p short #SBATCH -t 0-0:10:0 #SBATCH -o myJob.out #SBATCH --mem=2G unset SLURM_CPU_BIND srun -n 1 your_first_command_here srun -n 1 your_second_command_here srun -n 1 your_third_command_here sleep 5 # wait for slurm to get the job status into its database sacct --format=JobID,Submit,Start,End,State,Partition,ReqTRES%30,CPUTime,MaxRSS,NodeList%30 --units=M -j $SLURM_JOBID |
Code Block |
sbatch # where is a text file containing: #----------------------- #!/bin/bash #SBATCH -p short #SBATCH -t 0-0:10:0 #SBATCH -o myJob.out #SBATCH --mem=2G unset SLURM_CPU_BIND srun -n 1 this_is_an_error srun -n 1 date sleep 5 # wait for slurm to get the job status into its database sacct --format=JobID,Submit,Start,End,State,Partition,ReqTRES%30,CPUTime,MaxRSS,NodeList%30 --units=M -j $SLURM_JOBID |
Code Block |
sbatch # where is a text file containing: #----------------------- #!/bin/bash #SBATCH -p short #SBATCH -t 0-0:10:0 #SBATCH -o myJob.out #SBATCH --mem=2G unset SLURM_CPU_BIND srun -n 1 bash -c "this_is_an_error || scancel $SLURM_JOBID " srun -n 1 bash -c "date || scancel $SLURM_JOBID " sleep 5 # wait for slurm to get the job status into its database sacct --format=JobID,Submit,Start,End,State,Partition,ReqTRES%30,CPUTime,MaxRSS,NodeList%30 --units=M -j $SLURM_JOBID |