What's the Restart Web Server option used for?

Located within the Help menu, the Restart Web Server option can be used to simply reload your own session. This option does not take any effect system-wide.

How to install kernels on Jupyter Notebooks?

For more information, please visit the following link - Using other programming languages / Jupyter kernels.

Do I need to be on the VPN?

VPN is not required to use the O2 Portal. In fact, we recommend not to use it whenever is possible.

Can I use any web browser with the O2 Portal?

Some features of the O2 Portal do not work properly with the Safari browser. We recommend using Chrome or Firefox.

Why I am seeing “R is taking longer to start than usual” after launching RStudio?

Delete RStudio’s cache. You will need to open the Terminal (e.g., Clusters → >_O2 Cluster Terminal) and type rm -r ~/.local/share/rstudio.

How to change the working directory to scratch and update the Files tab on the RStudio IDE?


What is the maximum file upload limit in the O2 Portal GUI?

The max size limit is 10GB for each file uploaded. If you need to upload a larger file, please read this page.

How can I resolve the Internal Server Error (see picture below) preventing me from using any of the O2 Portal app?

Click on the Restart Web Server option.