Research Computing provides a website for users of the O2 cluster to present their data via HTTP for use with external genome browsers such the UCSC Genome Browser.

IGV Users please read:

You can easily run IGV on O2 itself to analyze data from any location on O2. To do this, just login via the O2 Portal which is designed to easily run GUI applications on O2.

User Access

To access this tool, the user must have an O2 cluster account and be a member of the group: genomebrowser-uploads

How to use the website

Once you have an O2 account with access, you can make your data presentable with the following steps:

  1. Create your personal data directory under: /n/groups/genomebrowser-uploads/data/

    1. For example (e.g. for user abc123): /n/groups/genomebrowser-uploads/data/abc123

  2. Copy your data files under the personal directory:

    1. For example: /n/groups/genomebrowser-uploads/data/abc123/mydata.bam

    2. Make sure your data files are set as world-readable (typically the default), so the web server can access them.

  3. View your data via this public URL:[USER_DIRECTORY]/[USER_DATA]

    1. In this example, the URL would be:

  4. Please remove your data files once analysis has been completed!
