NOTICE: FULL O2 Cluster Outage, January 3 - January 10th

O2 will be completely offline for a planned HMS IT data center relocation from Friday, Jan 3, 6:00 PM, through Friday, Jan 10

  • on Jan 3 (5:30-6:00 PM): O2 login access will be turned off.
  • on Jan 3 (6:00 PM): O2 systems will start being powered off.

This project will relocate existing services, consolidate servers, reduce power consumption, and decommission outdated hardware to improve efficiency, enhance resiliency, and lower costs.


  • The O2 Cluster will be completely offline, including O2 Portal.
  • All data on O2 will be inaccessible.
  • Any jobs still pending when the outage begins will need to be resubmitted after O2 is back online.
  • Websites on O2 will be completely offline, including all web content.

More details at: &

Public Databases


We started using /n/shared_db for public databases with the launch of the O2 cluster. The databases are organized in this folder structure:


For example:



  • Some databases were assembled by developers and their original folder structure was kept, as in:

    • igenome/03032016/Homo_sapiens/UCSC/hg19/Sequence/Bowtie2Index/genome
  • bcbio databases are maintained by the Harvard Chan Bioinformatics Core , and installed this way: 

    • bcbio/biodata/genomes/Hsapiens


This folder was created for an earlier cluster (Orchestra), but is still in use. The structure is like this: 



  • There are some exceptions to the structure, such as: ignome and blastdb

A quick way to find the desired databases: 

We have create a text file containing all the database names and paths. You can directly search the species and software: 

$ grep -i bowtie2  /n/shared_db/ | grep -i hg19 | less

You should see (uk means unknown here): 

Many of our modules also point to the relevant databases. You can use the module spider command to identify a module of interest, and then to find the appropriate databases. Here is an example for cellranger: