Shared Containers on O2
Shared Containers on O2
This page provide brief information of containers available to all O2 users.
List of Containers
- 1 MaxQuant
A quantitative proteomics software package designed for analyzing large mass-spectrometric data sets.
# Connect to O2
# Note: replace "PORT" by a random number in the 50000-range, e.g. 50021
ssh -Y -L PORT: <your_hms_id>@o2.hms.harvard.edu
# start an interactive job (e.g., requesting 1 hour, 4 threads, and 10GB)
# Note: Replace "PORT" with the choosed number in the above step
srun -t 0-1 --x11 --pty -p interactive -c 4 --mem=10G --tunnel PORT:PORT /bin/bash
# Run the MaxQuant container
singularity run -B "$TMPDIR:/tmp",/n --app MaxQuantGui.exe $SIF_PATH
To use MaxQuant from the terminal:
singularity run -B "$TMPDIR:/tmp",/n --app MaxQuantCmd.exe mqpar.xml $SIF_PATH
Note: the mqpar.xml file is where you specify all the information related to the data analysis.
, multiple selections available,
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