Nextflow (`nf-core`) on O2
Nextflow is a workflow system for creating scalable, portable, and reproducible workflows. It is based on the dataflow programming model, which greatly simplifies the writing of parallel and distributed pipelines, allowing you to focus on the flow of data and computation. Due to software requirements, HMS IT is unable to provide global support for Nextflow-based workflows. However, general guidance and procedures for setting up a local pipeline are outlined below.
Installing Nextflow (and nf-core
Users generally have a choice to make here - Nextflow is the generic option that allows for workflow creation and customization from scratch. nf-core
is simultaneously a repository of existing pipelines as well as utility with which to execute these pipelines, as a drop-in replacement for (most of) Nextflow itself.
Installing Nextflow does NOT install nf-core
, but installing nf-core
DOES install nextflow.