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Table of Contents

SPP is a R package especially designed for the analysis of Chip-Seq data. The package was developed by Peter Park's group from Harvard Medical School. Here is the the original nature paper:


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Code Block

2 Start interactive job with 4G memory and 2 CPU cores , and create working folder

Code Block
srun --pty -p interactive -t 0-12:0:0 --mem 4G -n 2 /bin/bash
mkdir /n/scratch3/users/${USER:0:1}/$USER/sppTest && cd /n/scratch3/users/${USER:0:1}/$USER/sppTest

3 Load bowtie2 module and run mapping. (note: I already run mapping. Copy them if you don't want to re-run bowtie2: /n/groups/shared_databases/rcbio/spp/input)

Code Block
# This will setup the path and environmental variables for the pipeline
module load gcc/6.2.0 bowtie2/2.2.9 samtools/0.1.19 

bowtie2 -p 2 -x /n/groups/shared_databases/bowtie2_indexes/d_melanogaster_fb5_22 -U $read_file | samtools view -bS - > SRR1002328.bam

bowtie2 -p 2 -x /n/groups/shared_databases/bowtie2_indexes/d_melanogaster_fb5_22 -U $read_file | samtools view -bS - > SRR1002329.bam

4 Start R and load spp and bioMaRt packages

Code Block
module load gcc/6.2.0 R/3.4.1

5 Read in bowtie alignments

Code Block
linenumberstrue <- read.bam.tags("SRR1002329.bam") <- read.bam.tags("SRR1002328.bam")


6 Identify binding characteristics

Code Block
# This command will uses cross-correlation profile to calculate binding peak separation distance,
# and assess whether inclusion of tags with non-perfect alignment quality improves the cross-correlation peak.
# If you would like to accept all aligned tags, specify accept.all.tags=T argument to save time.
# srange gives the possible range for the size of the protected region
# It should be higher than tag length; making the upper boundary too high will increase calculation time
# bin - bin tags within the specified number of base pairs to speed up calculation
# increasing bin size decreases the accuracy of the determined parameters
binding.characteristics <- get.binding.characteristics(,srange=c(50,500),bin=5, accept.all.tags = T)

# Print out binding peak separation distance
print(paste("binding peak separation distance =",binding.characteristics$peak$x))

# Plot cross-correlation profile, you can use pdf reader to review the plot once it is created.

par(mar = c(3.5,3.5,1.0,0.5), mgp = c(2,0.65,0), cex = 0.8)

plot(binding.characteristics$cross.correlation,type='l',xlab="strand shift",ylab="cross-correlation")



7 Select informative tags based on the binding characteristics

Code Block
# The following calls will select tags with acceptable alignment quality:
# The and will be a simple list of tag coordinate vectors. The analysis of binding characteristics described above could have been skipped by accepting
# all of the tag alignments after reading the Eland files (i.e. <-$tags).
# Since version 1.2, the steps can also be skipped by simply not passing the binding.characteristics argument to the select.informative.tags call. <- select.informative.tags(,binding.characteristics) <- select.informative.tags(,binding.characteristics)


8 Remove singular positions with very high tag counts

Code Block
# The method calls below will scan along the chromosomes calculating local density of region (can be specified using window.size parameter, default is 200bp), 
# removing or restricting singular positions with extremely high tag count relative to the neighborhood.
# restrict or remove singular positions with very high tag counts <- remove.local.tag.anomalies( <- remove.local.tag.anomalies(


9 Calculate genome-wide tag density and tag enrichment/depletion profiles

Code Block
# This will calculate genome-wide smoothed tag density (subtracting re-scaled input).
# Note that the tags are shifted by half of the peak separation distance

tag.shift <- round(binding.characteristics$peak$x/2)

smoothed.density <- get.smoothed.tag.density(,,bandwidth=200,step=100,tag.shift=tag.shift)

writewig(smoothed.density,"chip.smoothed.density.wig","chip smoothed, background-subtracted tag density")

# The WIG file can be read with genome browsers, such as IGB.
# The following calls will scan ChIP? and signal tag density to estimate lower bounds of tag enrichment (and upper bound of tag depletion if it is significant) along the genome.
# The resulting profile gives conservative statistical estimates of log2 fold-enrichment ratios along the genome.
# The example below uses a window of 500bp (and background windows of 1, 5, 25 and 50 times that size) and a confidence interval corresponding to 1%.
# alpha specifies significance level at which confidence intervals will be estimated

enrichment.estimates <- get.conservative.fold.enrichment.profile(,,fws=500,step=100,alpha=0.01)

writewig(enrichment.estimates,"chip.enrichment.estimates.wig","chip conservative fold-enrichment/depletion estimates shown on log2 scale")

# The WIG file can be read with genome browsers, such as IGB.
# Broad regions of enrichment for a specified scale can be quickly identified using the following command:
broad.clusters <- get.broad.enrichment.clusters(,, window.size=1e3, z.thr=3,tag.shift=round(binding.characteristics$peak$x/2))

# Write out in broadPeak format,"chip.broadPeak")

# We'll also write a bed file that contains broad regions of enrichment on chromosome X for browsing in IGB.
write.table(cbind(rep("X", length(broad.clusters$X$s)), broad.clusters$X$s, broad.clusters$X$e), file="chip_enrich_broad_chrX.bed", quote=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, sep="\t")


10 Detecting point binding positions

Code Block
# The example below will use WTD method to call binding positions, using FDR of 5% and a window size estimated by the binding.characteristics:
# binding detection parameters
# desired FDR (5%). Alternatively, an E-value can be supplied to the method calls below instead of the fdr parameter

fdr <- 5e-2

# The binding.characteristics contains the optimized half-size for binding detection window
detection.window.halfsize <- binding.characteristics$whs

# Determine binding positions using wtd method
bp <- find.binding.positions(,,fdr=fdr,whs=detection.window.halfsize)
print(paste("detected",sum(unlist(lapply(bp$npl,function(d) length(d$x)))),"peaks"))

# Output detected binding positions

# We'll also write a graph file (similar to wig) that contains the binding sites and their associated 10log10(FDR) for browsing in IGB.
write.table(cbind(bp$npl$X$x, -10*log(bp$npl$X$fdr)), file="", quote=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, sep="\t")

# Upload this bed file into IGB by going to File ! Open and browse the results.

11 Comparing Binding Sites to Annotations Using the biomaRt package

Code Block
#Note: you should make sure that ensembl has the same version of reference as you used in bowtie aligner.
# We will download the ENSEMBLE fruit fly genome annotations and generate a list of ENSEMBLE gene information on chromosome X including start position, end position, strand and description

ensembl = useMart("ensembl", dataset = "dmelanogaster_gene_ensembl")

genes.chrX = getBM(attributes = c("chromosome_name", "start_position", "end_position", "strand", "description"), filters = "chromosome_name", values= "X", mart = ensembl)

# Next, we're going to take our binding sites from the bp list and use it to determine the set of genes that contain significantly enriched sites within 2kb of their TSS.
# In order to compare enriched sites to TSS sites, we need to write an overlap function where bs represents a binding site position, ts is the annotated TSS and l is the allowed 
distance of the binding site from the TSS.

overlap = function(bs, ts, l) { if ((bs > ts - l) && (bs < ts + l)) { TRUE; } else { FALSE; } }

# Now we'll write a function that takes a vector of binding site values, start positions, end positions and strands of the genes on chromosome X
# as well as our distance cutoff. l and outputs a logical vector of the genes that contain a enriched site within l bp (i.e., TRUE value)
# or do not contain a enriched site (i.e., FALSE value).

fivePrimeGenes=function(bs, ts, te, s, l) {
    fivePrimeVec = logical();   
    for (i in 1:length(ts)) {
            fivePrime = FALSE;
            for (j in 1:length(bs)) {
                if (s[i] == 1) {
                    fivePrime = fivePrime || overlap(bs[j], ts[i], l);
                } else {
                    fivePrime = fivePrime || overlap(bs[j], te[i], l);
            fivePrimeVec = c(fivePrimeVec, fivePrime);

# Using the fivePrimeGenes function, generate a vector of the TSSs and genes that contain enriched site within .2kb of their TSS (i.e., l = 2000).
fivePrimeGenesLogical = fivePrimeGenes(bp$npl$X$x, genes.chrX$start_position, genes.chrX$end_position, genes.chrX$strand, 2000)

# Find the gene located on the plus strand
fivePrimeStartsPlus = genes.chrX$start_position[fivePrimeGenesLogical & genes.chrX$strand == 1]

# Find the gene located on the minus strand
fivePrimeStartsMinus = genes.chrX$end_position[fivePrimeGenesLogical & genes.chrX$strand == -1]

# Combine the start positions together
fivePrimeStarts = sort(c(fivePrimeStartsPlus, fivePrimeStartsMinus))

# Get all the gene names
fivePrimeGenes = genes.chrX$description[fivePrimeGenesLogical]
save.image(file="8.11.RData") # you can use command load("8.11.RData") to load all the objects into R later on.

# Explore the vectors fivePrimeStarts and fivePrimeGenes.
# Use IGB to check if the genes/starts are the correct ones.
# You can use annotations in the biomaRt package to access other tools including Bioconductor to
# learn more about the set of genes that contain enriched sites or whatever regulatory factor you're studying. Have fun!

# Below are the all functions in the spp package:
> library(help=spp)

                Information on package 'spp'


Package:       spp
Type:          Package
Title:         ChIP-Seq Processing Pipeline
Version:       1.15.2
Date:          2018-02-01
Author:        Peter K
Depends:       R (>= 3.3.0), Rcpp
Imports:       Rsamtools, caTools, parallel, graphics, stats
Suggests:      methods
LinkingTo:     Rcpp
Maintainer:    Peter Kharchenko <>
Description:   R package for analysis of ChIP-seq and other functional
               sequencing data.
License:       GPL-2
LazyLoad:      yes
Note:          revised for compliance with CRAN by K.Pal and C.M.Livi
Built:         R 3.4.1; x86_64-pc-linux-gnu; 2018-05-15 17:49:52 UTC;


                        Calculate chromosome-wide profiles of smoothed
                        tag density
densum                  Do Something
                        Determine significant point protein binding
                        positions (peaks)
                        Calculate characteristics of observed
                        DNA-binding signal from cross-correlation
                        Determine broad clusters of enrichment
                        Estimate minimal fold enrichment/depletion
                        along the chromosomes
                        Return Conservative fold enrichment profile
                        controlling for input and a single background
get.mser                Calculate minimal saturated enrichment fold
                        Interpolate MSER dependency on the tag count
                        Calculate chromosome-wide profiles of smoothed
