This app will start a MATLAB proxy application on one of the O2 cluster compute nodenodes. This application does not include the complete MATLAB desktop toolboxes toolbox set but it is expect expected to have a significantly better responsiveness and should be the preferred choice for running graphical MATLAB when possible.
After clicking on the HMS RC MATLAB-proxy-app application you should see the page:
Select the desired version of MATLAB to use.
Slurm Custom Arguments
This is an optional text field that can be used to pass additional flags to the Slurm scheduler when submitting the job.
After setting the above fields click on the Launch button which will submit the job.
A new tab should open and will temporary temporarily display a screen like:
while the MATLAB instance is starting. This step can last up to several minutes, and is followed by the informative message:
( 54253535 in the example) and click on the Session ID highlighted link which should open the OOD file editor on the folder where the job’s log files are written.