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Table of Contents

Due to implementation choices by the Jupyter developers, Jupyter and its associated dependencies are not installed by default on O2. However, we acknowledge that many users leverage Jupyter notebooks to great effect in their research, so we provide detailed instructions on how to set up a working Jupyter notebook here on O2.


On newer versions of Jupyter (notebook >= 4.1), the developers implemented token authentication, which is on by default. If you have a freshly installed version of Jupyter, your notebook will have a token associated with it. When you run the above command, you should see a URL show up in the terminal that contains your session token. Click it, then it should open in your local machine's browser. You're all done!

Using other programming languages / Jupyter kernels


Please note that we have only tested the use case of non-standard kernels with IRkernel, which allows you to run R notebooks using Jupyter. Using any other kernels for support of programming languages other than Python or R through Jupyter on O2 may be done without any implied support or guarantee of functionality.

R kernel for Jupyter

For example, if you want to run R through a Jupyter notebook on O2, you need to install the IRkernel package to a personal R library. This should be done after the Installing Jupyter instructions, and prior to the Opening a Notebook instructions. First, get into an interactive session:


In the future, you'll should ensure that your ~/.Renviron file and R_LIBS_USER environment variable point to the correct R personal library before trying to open an R notebook in Jupyter. 

Opening an Rshiny application with Jupyter

You may encounter an R package that deploys an Rshiny app that you can access; on your desktop, this is as easy as pasting the provided link into the browser. On O2, an extra step needs to be taken.
