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Cohort A - O'Bryant • Thursday December 19, 2019 • Lab Assistants: Genesis Perez
2:30 PM - TMEC Learning Studio 306

Cohort B - Kennedy & Tech Boston. • Thursday January 9, 2020 • Lab Assistants: CJ Beneduce & Shiwei Liu
2:30 PM - Labs: Kennedy 328 & TechBoston 328 | Microscopy TMEC 332

Cohort C - Boston Latin Academy-A • Thursday January 16, 2020 • Lab Assistants: Alex Panov & Trung Pham
2:30 PM  -  Groups 8, 9 - TMEC 302  | Groups 10, 11 & 12 TMEC 332

Cohort C - Boston Latin Academy-B • RESCHEDULED > Thursday, February 27, 2020 • Lab Assistants: Trung Pham
2:30 PM  -  Groups 13, 14, 15 Lab TBD

Big Ideas & AP Biology Science Practices 

Transpiration Student Experimental Protocol

Error rendering macro 'viewpdf' : Failed to find attachment with Name Lab4_Transpiration_StudentGuidev4.pdf

Manual Recording Data Form

Students will manually record data using this handout.

Error rendering macro 'viewpdf' : Failed to find attachment with Name ab4_labquest_data_form_hinton18.pdf

Plant Specimens 

1 - China Doll2 - Aglaoema3 - Philodendron Brazil
4 - Wandering Jew5 - Spathiphyllium6 - Rex Begonia
7 - Bush Bean8 - Alaska Pea 

Creating a leaf impression for microscopy

Error rendering macro 'viewpdf' : Failed to find attachment with Name exolabs_microscopy_handout_v4.pdf

Microscope Slide
Leaf (identify the leaf so you may accurately label your microphotograph)
Clear Tape
Nail Polish
Microscope Slide
Microscope with EXO Labs Focus Camera App and iPad interface

1. Choose a leaf and identify it from the plants listed above. The stoma of the leaf are predominately on the underside of the leaf so work with the underside of the leaf you have chosen.

2. Coat a section of the underside of the leaf with nail polish. Coat a piece of the tape with nail polish as well. Place the nail polish coated section of the tape over the nail polish coated section of the leaf and put aside to dry (about 10 minutes)

3. When the nail polish is dry, carefully lift the tape with the nail polish that now holds an impression of the leaf carefully up, and place the tape on your microscope slide.

4. Place your slide with the nail polish impression on the microscope stage. Turn the objective lens to 10X.

5. Using the focusing mechanism of the microscope, but viewing the microscope image from the iPad, bring the image of the leaf into focus. The Exo Camera and the iPad require a second to process the image so the focusing process will lag several seconds behind your actual focusing movements. Be patient, allow the image to fully process before you try additional focusing.

6. When you have your leaf impression in focus look for the following leaf structures to label.

  • Stoma
  • Guard Cells
  • Epithelial Cells
  • Surface Hairs (trichome) if present

Your instructor will assist you with using the labeling and pointing tools on the iPad. See Digital Microscope ExoLabs Focus Camera handout.

7. Show the scale of the micrograph you have created by using the EXO Camara's calibrated measuring tool. Make sure you use the correct calibration (4x or 10x) before using the scale tool.

8. Label your micrograph below the image:
Title: Title should include plant name and magnification level.
Note: Group member first names and date.

9. Write microscope image(s) names and group name on Microscope Log sheet next to iPad station. We will use this form to download and post digital copies of your images.

10. Enjoy your beautiful micrograph!

Rex Begonia nail polish impression microscope image - underside of leaf




  • No labels