Thursday, October 6, 2022
Online via ZOOM meeting
3 - 4:15 PM
Social Media tag > #hinton23
3:00 PM Students login via Zoom
Please update your ZOOM name.
Add the follow prefix based on school and teacher
- OB - O'Bryant - Raine/Lou
- KD - Kennedy - Nilsen
- EN - English
- BLA-B - Boston Latin Academy - Banerjee
- BLA-V - Boston Latin Academy - Via
- Mentor - Hinton Alumni
3:10 PM Welcome & Introductions
- Mr. Rochlin - Hinton Lab Program Coordinator, Harvard Medical School
- Elizabeth Raine - Science Teacher, J.D. O'Bryant School of Mathematics and Science
- Dr Steven Nilsen - AP Biology Teacher, E.M. Academy for Health Careers
- Nicole Cohen - AP Biology Teacher, English High School
- Dr. Jayashree Banerjee - AP Biology Teacher, Boston Latin Academy
- Dr. Ally Via - AP Biology Teacher, Boston Latin Academy
- Mr. Simpson - Science Curriculum Specialist, Harvard Medical School
Tutors & Lab Assistants
Visualizing Evolution
Click image to read and view movie about the evolution of bacteria. (1:54)
The Longest-Running Evolution Experiment by Veritasium (17:16)
3:20 PM
What to expect when attending a Hinton Lab session at Harvard Medical School?
Labs will be in person and led by lab assistants & tutors
- Enzyme Lab 1 OB, KD, EN 3 - 5:30 PM | BLA 2:30 - 5:30 PM
- Thursday, October 13th > O'Bryant
- Thursday, October 20th > Kennedy & English
- Thursday, October 27th > BLA-Banerjee & BLA-Via
3:25 PM
Open Inquiry - The Art of Questioning Presentation - Simpson
3:25PM You will now be randomly assign to a Breakout Room - Tutors/AP Biology Teacher will join
- Assign one person in your group to be the reporter.
- Reporter opens nearpod app or .
- Record - ONLY 1 per breakout room. Nearpod self-paced activity.
CODE: 5HR7M - Appoint a time keeper. Your team has 5 minutes to list has many questions as you can based on the Hinton portrait.
- Submit form only after your team has selected your top 3 questions.
Learn more about Augustus Hinton. (Learn about the Augustus Hinton portrait at Harvard Medical School)
4:00 PM
AP Biology Big Ideas, Enduring Understandings & Essential Knowledge
You will now join a randomly assigned breakout room. (10 minutes)
Each team will assign one reporter to launch the nearpod.
- Markup 1 Big Idea topic page (Choice of 3 pages)
- Make sure all team members contribute their understanding.
- Use the QFT method to write questions
- Record with Nearpod. ONLY 1 per breakout room
CODE: D8E3I - Submit your top 3 questions.
4:10 PM Reconvene as large group.