If your lab is based at Harvard University, and your sponsoring PI has a primary or secondary faculty appointment in an HMS Blavatnik Institute Basic or Social Science (“Quad”) department, and you already have an HMS Account, you can request an O2 account directly by filling out the O2 account request form.
What if you don’t have an HMS Account?
If you also do not have a Harvard ID:
You will first need to be registered as a Harvard Sponsored Role, which is essentially Harvard University’s guest user registration, as described in https://it.hms.harvard.edu/our-services/accounts-and-user-access/person-interest-poi.
Once you have an active Harvard ID, your PI will need to request an HMS guest account as described in https://it.hms.harvard.edu/our-services/accounts-and-user-access/hms-guest-accounts
If you do have a Harvard ID:
Your PI will only need to request an HMS guest account as described in https://it.hms.harvard.edu/our-services/accounts-and-user-access/hms-guest-accounts
When that request is approved, the person is automatically provisioned an HMS account.
Please note this important distinction and ask HMS-RC if you’re not sure of your PI’s status:
First, you need to register via the RC Core PPMS instance at https://ppms.us/harvard-hms/vdoc/?pf=11&docid=30&cont=on. If you need an HMS ID, the RC Core will assist with this process. Follow these detailed instructions on how to create your account with the PPMS system
If you are not a student or faculty at Harvard, the RC Core will need to complete the Harvard Sponsored Role process as described in our HSR policy. We might need to ask you for additional information to complete this process.
After your PPMS account is created you will need to attest to all RC Core policies.
Before we can set up your O2 account, your lab must have a purchase order set up for the group.
Also, you and your PI will be required to sign the HMS RC Core user agreement.
The PI from your lab must also be registered in PPMS and attest to all RC Core policies. Note that adding a new lab/PI and setting up financially to pay with a PO can take time. If your lab is located at a Harvard University school, we will require a Harvard 33-digit billing code.
After we have completed the setup process and you have completed all steps, the RC Core will coordinate the creation of your O2 account.
Note that if you are not a PI, you will need a PI (or Core administrator or equivalent) to sponsor and approve your O2 account.
To renew an O2 account which has expired with an “off-Quad” lab:
Please email rccore@hms.harvard.edu and make sure to cc: your lab’s PI. This will open a request with the HMS RC Core to renew your HMS ID and O2 account.
How to retain your O2 account when leaving HMS