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Note:  Any time <userid> is mentioned in this document, it should be replaced with your HMS ID (formerly eCommons ID) and omit the <>. Likewise, <jobid> should be replaced with an actual job ID, such as 12345. The name of a batch job submission script should be inserted wherever <jobscript> is mentioned.



Sample command syntax



sbatch <jobscript>

Submit a batch (non-interactive) job.


srun --pty -t 0-0:5:0 -p interactive /bin/bash

Start an interactive session for five minutes in the interactive queue with default 1 CPU core and 4GB of memory


squeue -u <userid>

View status of your jobs in the queue. Only non-completed jobs will be shown.

We have an easier-to-use alternative command called O2squeue.


scontrol show job <jobid>

Look at a running job in detail. For more information about the job, add the -dd parameter.


scancel <jobid>

Cancel a job. scancel can also be used to kill job arrays or job steps.


scontrol hold <jobid>  

Pause a job


scontrol release <jobid>

Release a held job (allow it to run)


sacct -j <jobid>

Check job accounting data. Running sacct is most useful for completed jobs.

We have an easier-to-use alternative command called O2_jobs_report.



See node and partition information. Use the -N parameter to see information per node.


We recommend using commands such as O2squeue or O2sacctO2_jobs_report for job monitoring instead of relying on the email notifications, which do not contain much information.


Again, we would recommend leveraging commands like O2squeue or O2sacctO2_jobs_report for job monitoring instead of the SLURM email notifications.


If we save this script as, it can be submitted by sbatch After the job completes, you can see the job statistics (which will be broken down by numbered job steps) by running sacct -j <jobid> or by using O2sacct O2_jobs_report -j <jobid> .

Job Arrays

Job arrays can be leveraged to quickly submit a number of similar jobs. For example, you can use job arrays to start multiple instances of the same program on different input files, or with different input parameters. A job array is technically one job, but with multiple tasks.


Example monitoring commands


By default, you will not receive an execution report by e-mail when a job you have submitted to Slurm completes. If you would like to receive such notifications, please use --mail-type and optionally --mail-user in your job submission. Currently, the SLURM emails contain minimal information (jobid, job name, run time, status, and exit code); this was an intentional design feature from the SLURM developers. At this time, we suggest running sacct/O2sacctO2_jobs_report queries for more detailed information than the job emails provide.


We recommend monitoring your jobs using commands on O2 such as squeue or O2squeue, and sacct or O2sacctO2_jobs_report.

More information for a job can be found by running sacct -j <jobid>, or by using O2sacct O2_jobs_report -j <jobid>. The following command can be used to obtain accounting information for a completed job:


Similarly, if your job used too much memory, you will receive an error like: Job <jobid> exceeded memory limit <memorylimit>, being killed. For this job, sacct or O2sacct O2_jobs_report will report a larger MaxRSS than ReqMem, and OUT_OF_MEMORY job status. You will need to rerun the job, requesting more memory.
