Lab 2 Cellular Respiration
Cohort A - TechBoston , October 31, 2024 Lab Assistant : Maria Amodeo
3:00 to 5:30 PM TMEC Lab 128
Cohort B - Kennedy School of Health Sciences & English High School • Thursday November 7, 2024 • Lab Assistants: Chris Etienne
Wilaysha Evens3:00 to 5:30 PM - TMEC Lab 128
Cohort C, Banerjee - Boston Latin Academy • Thursday November 12, 2024 Lab Assistant: Jennifer Su
2:30 to 5:30 PM - TMEC Lab 306
Cohort C, Via - Boston Latin Academy • Thursday November 14, 2024 Lab Assistants: Chris Etienne
Alan Wong2:30 to 5:30 PM - TMEC Lab 128
Each Lab Team will complete a Big Ideas & Lab Practices handout before exiting lab. Please submit to your tutor.
TechBoston | Kennedy & English | BLA-Banerjee 1 | BLA-Banerjee 2 | BLA-Via |
LabQuest Quickstart Guide
Cellular Respiration Student Lab Protocol
LabQuest Data Save Version | Manual Data Save Version |
Data Recording Sheet
Use this recording sheet to manually generate graphs.
Open Inquiry Variables
- ungerminated Alaska Peas
- ungerminated Mung Beans
- ungerminated Lima Beans
- 24 hour germinated Alaska Peas
- 48 hour germinated Alaska Peas
- 24 hour germinated Mung Beans
- 48 hour germinated Mung Beans
- 24 hour germinated Alaska Peas in 0.1 M NaCl solution
- 24 hour germinated Alaska Peas in 1.0 M NaCl solution
- large meal worms (? grams per worm)
- small meal worms (? grams per worm)
- large crickets (? grams per cricket)
Instructions on Data Delivery for Hinton Students
You are strongly encouraged to download and analyze your experimental labquest data files. You are responsible for the integrity of your team's data. If you are not sure about how to properly setup, collect and analyze your data you need to ask during the live lab session. Ask a lab assistant or tutor.
Each team should generate:
(1) Annotated graph with multiple lines. Include linear curve fits.
(2) Raw .csv file. The csv file can be opened and processed in excel.
Your teacher will have access to all data files and graphs through Dropbox.
Why is cellular respiration and temperature changing over time?
Mung Bean Germination Time Lapse with CO2 Gas Level and Temperature Data from Robert Simpson on Vimeo.