Intro to R & Bioconductor

Intro to R & Bioconductor

Class Material

Connect to O2

ssh -Y -L $PORT:$PORT <your_HMS_ID>@o2.hms.harvard.edu

Managing your R packages on O2

Create an R Personal Library

# Create a library on your HOME ("~") directory mkdir ~/R-4.1.1 # Create an .Renviron file echo 'R_LIBS_USER="~/R-4.1.1"'> $HOME/.Renviron

Running RStudio on O2

For more in-depth details, please visit our wiki page - RStudio on O2.

Load RStudio modules

module load rstudio_launcher/1.0 module load gcc/6.2.0 module load R/4.1.1 module load git/2.9.5

Launch RStudio


Installing R Packages

Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN)

