Installing Other R packages on O2

Installing Other R packages on O2

Please make sure to setup an R Personal Library on O2 to install packages locally.

Here you can find valuable information on how to install R packages requiring some external dependencies.

R package - beachmat and glmGamPoi

# Load modules module purge module load gcc/9.2.0 R/4.3.3 # Launch R R # Install packages install.packages('BiocManager') BiocManager::install('beachmat') BiocManager::install("glmGamPoi")

The beachmat and glmGamPoi packages do not work with recent R versions. To install them on O2, you can load the R/4.3.3 module, which is an older R version compatible with both packages.

R package - curl

# Load modules module purge module load gcc/9.2.0 curl/8.12.1 R/4.4.0 R install.packages('curl')

The curl package is needed to install popular R packages such as devtools, rtracklayer and Seurat (v5). To install the curl R package, you will need to load the curl/8.12.1 module.

Important: The curl/8.12.1 module is a temporary workaround and only needed until the OS for O2 is updated from CentOS to Red Hat 9.

R package - igraph

# Load Modules module purge module load gcc/9.2.0 R/4.3.1 glpk/5.0 # Create ~/.R/Makevars mkdir ~/.R echo "CFLAGS+=-I/n/app/glpk/5.0-gcc-9.2.0/include" >> ~/.R/Makevars echo "CPPFLAGS+=-I/n/app/glpk/5.0-gcc-9.2.0/include" >> ~/.R/Makevars echo "LDFLAGS+=-L/n/app/glpk/5.0-gcc-9.2.0/lib" >> ~/.R/Makevars echo "CPATH+=/n/app/glpk/5.0-gcc-9.2.0/include" >> ~/.R/Makevars # Start R R # Install package install.packages('igraph')

R package - nloptr

You must use an R version compiled against GCC v9.2.0 and load the CMake module. For example:

# Load modules module purge module load gcc/9.2.0 R/4.2.1 cmake/3.22.2 # Start R R # Install package install.package('nloptr')

R package - Devtools

Load the git2 module if using an older R version (e.g., 4.0.1):

# Load modules module purge module load gcc/6.2.0 R/4.0.1 git2/1.1.0 # Start R R # Install pkg install.packages('devtools')

If using the R>=4.2.1 module, then it is not required to load the git2 module.

R package - Seurat

# Load Modules module purge module load gcc/9.2.0 curl/8.12.1 R/4.4.0 # Start R R # Install pkg install.packages('Seurat')

R packages - SF and Monocle3

# Load Modules module purge module load gcc/9.2.0 module load cmake/3.22.2 module load R/4.3.1 module load gdal/3.1.4 module load udunits/2.2.28 module load geos/3.10.2 # Export udunits variables export UDUNITS2_INCLUDE=/n/app/udunits/2.2.28-gcc-9.2.0/include export UDUNITS2_LIBS=/n/app/udunits/2.2.28-gcc-9.2.0/lib # Start R R # Install sf install.packages('sf', configure.args = "--with-geos-config=/n/app/geos/3.10.2-gcc-9.2.0/bin/geos-config") # Install Bioconductor install.packages("BiocManager") # Install Bioconductor pkgs BiocManager::install(c('BiocGenerics', 'DelayedArray', 'DelayedMatrixStats', 'limma', 'S4Vectors', 'SingleCellExperiment', 'SummarizedExperiment', 'batchelor', 'Matrix.utils')) # Install monocle3 devtools::install_github('cole-trapnell-lab/leidenbase') devtools::install_github('cole-trapnell-lab/monocle3')

R package - ACTIONet

The R package has not been maintained for the last few years; currently it is only possible to use through a singularity container.

# Start a singularity shell singularity shell /n/app/singularity/containers/shared/actionet-r-release.sif # Initiate R from within the container R # Load R package library("ACTIONet")

R package - InferCNV

## Install JAGS # Setup Working Directory cd $HOME mkdir build_jags && cd build_jags # Download & Decompress JAGS wget -O JAGS-4.3.1.tgz https://sourceforge.net/projects/mcmc-jags/files/JAGS/4.x/Source/JAGS-4.3.1.tar.gz/download tar xzvf JAGS-4.3.1.tgz && cd JAGS-4.3.1 # Load modules module load gcc/9.2.0 R/4.2.1 # Export Variables export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/n/app/openblas/0.3.19-gcc-9.2.0/lib/pkgconfig/:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH export LDFLAGS="-L/n/app/openblas/0.3.19-gcc-9.2.0/lib/" # Install JAGS mkdir $HOME/JAGS ./configure --prefix=$HOME/JAGS make -j 4 make install # Clean up; build_jags directory is no longer needed rm -r $HOME/build_jags # Add JAGS path to variables export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/JAGS/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$PKG_CONFIG_PATH:$HOME/JAGS/lib/pkgconfig # Launch R R # Install R package install.packages("BiocManager") BiocManager::install("infercnv")

R package - Rmpi

The package must be installed using an sbatch job. For example:

1. Create an sbatch script with the following content

$ cat install-rmpi.slurm #!/bin/bash #SBATCH -p short #SBATCH -t 0-00:10 #SBATCH -c 1 #SBATCH --mem=1G # load modules module load gcc/9.2.0 R/4.2.1 openmpi/4.1.1 # install R package R -e "install.packages('Rmpi',repos='http://cran.us.r-project.org', configure.args = '--with-mpi=/n/app/openmpi/4.1.1')"

2. Submit script via the sbatch command

$ sbatch install-rmpi.slurm

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