GATK4 Mutect2 using Singularity Container
This page shows you how to run GATK4 using our recently installed Singularity GATK4 container. The runAsPipeline
script, accessible through the rcbio/1.0
module, converts the bash script into a pipeline that easily submits jobs to the Slurm scheduler for you.
Features of this pipeline:
Given a sample sheet, generate folder structure for data processing
Submit each step as a cluster job using
.Automatically arrange dependencies among jobs.
Email notifications are sent when each job fails or succeeds.
If a job fails, all its downstream jobs automatically are killed.
When re-running the pipeline on the same data folder, if there are any unfinished jobs, the user is asked to kill them or not.
When re-running the pipeline on the same data folder, the user is asked to confirm to re-run or not if a step was done successfully earlier.
Please read below for an example.
The workflows are downloaded from: and
Here are the commands to test out the workflow using example data. The whole run needs a few hours if the cluster is not busy.
# set up screen software:
cp /n/shared_db/misc/rcbio/data/screenrc.template.txt ~/.screenrc
srun --pty -p interactive -t 0-12:0:0 --mem 16000MB -n 2 /bin/bash
mkdir -p /n/scratch/users/${USER:0:1}/$USER/testGATK4
cd /n/scratch/users/${USER:0:1}/$USER/testGATK4
module load gcc/6.2.0 python/2.7.12 rcbio/1.3.3
export PATH=/n/shared_db/singularity/hmsrc-gatk/bin:/opt/singularity/bin:$PATH
# setup database. Only need run this once. It will setup database in home, so make sure you have at least 5G free space at home.
cp /n/shared_db/singularity/hmsrc-gatk/scripts/* . sampleSheet.xlsx
runAsPipeline "sbatch -p short --mem 4G -t 1:0:0 -n 1" noTmp run 2>&1 | tee output.log
# check email or use this command to see the workflow progress
squeue -u $USER -o "%.18i %.9P %.28j %.8u %.8T %.10M %.9l %.6D %R %S"
# After all jobs finish run, run this command to start database, and keep it running in background &
java -XX:+UseSerialGC -Dconfig.file=your.conf -jar /n/shared_db/singularity/hmsrc-gatk/cromwell-43.jar run processing-for-variant-discovery-gatk4.wdl -i unmappedBams/group1/in.json 2>&1 | tee -a group1.log
java -XX:+UseSerialGC -Dconfig.file=your.conf -jar /n/shared_db/singularity/hmsrc-gatk/cromwell-43.jar run processing-for-variant-discovery-gatk4.wdl -i unmappedBams/group2/in.json 2>&1 | tee -a group2.log
java -XX:+UseSerialGC -Dconfig.file=your.conf -jar /n/shared_db/singularity/hmsrc-gatk/cromwell-43.jar run mutect2.wdl -i unmappedBams/exon.json &&
# Stop database
Log on to O2
If you need help connecting to O2, please review the Using Slurm Basic wiki page.
From Windows, use the graphical PuTTY program to connect to and make sure the port is set to the default value of 22.
From a Mac Terminal, use the ssh
command, inserting your HMS ID instead of user123:
# set up screen software:
cp /n/shared_db/misc/rcbio/data/screenrc.template.txt ~/.screenrc
screen # start screen session. For detail:
Start an interactive job, and create a working folder
srun --pty -p interactive -t 0-12:0:0 --mem 16000MB -n 2 /bin/bash
mkdir -p /n/scratch/users/${USER:0:1}/$USER/testGATK4
cd /n/scratch/users/${USER:0:1}/$USER/testGATK4
Load the pipeline-related modules
Build some testing data in the current folder
Take a look at the example files
The original bash script
How does this bash script work?
There is a loop that goes through the two group folders and samples, convert the fastq files into unmapped bam files
These comments are recgnized by our pipeline runner and the command following them are submitted as slurm jobs:
This command will generate new bash script named
in flag folder (201907200946 is the timestamp that runAsPipeline
was invoked at). Then test run it, meaning does not really submit jobs, but only create a fake job id, 123
for each step. If you were to append run
at the end of the command, the pipeline would actually be submitted to the Slurm scheduler.
Ideally, with 'useTmp', the software should run faster using local /tmp
disk space for database/reference than the network storage. For this workflow, we don't need it.
Sample output from the test run
Note that only step 2 used -t 50:0
, and all other steps used the default -t 10:0
. The default walltime limit was set in the runAsPipeline
command, and the walltime parameter for step 2 was set in the
Run the pipeline
Thus far in the example, we have not actually submitted any jobs to the scheduler. To submit the pipeline, you will need to append the run
parameter to the command. If run
is not specified, test
mode will be used, which does not submit jobs and gives the placeholder of 123
for jobids in the command's output.
Monitoring the jobs
You can use the command:
To see the job status (running, pending, etc.). You also get two emails for each step, one at the start of the step, one at the end of the step.
Check job logs
You can use the command:
This command list all the logs created by the pipeline runner. *.sh files are the slurm scripts for eash step, *.out files are output files for each step, *.success files means job successfully finished for each step and *.failed means job failed for each steps.
You also get two emails for each step, one at the start of the step, one at the end of the step.
Re-run the pipeline in case some jobs fail
You can rerun this command in the same folder
This command will check if the earlier run is finished or not. If not, ask user to kill the running jobs or not, then ask user to rerun the successfully finished steps or not. Click 'y', it will rerun, directly press 'enter' key, it will not rerun.
Call variance:
To run the workflow on your own data
To instead run a workflow on your own data, transfer the sample sheet to your local machine following this wiki page and modify the sample sheet. Then you can transfer it back to O2 under your account, then go to the build folder structure step.
Let us know if you have any questions. Please include your working folder and commands used in your email. Any comments and suggestions are welcome!