Open OnDemand FAQ

Open OnDemand FAQ

What's the Restart Web Server option used for?

Located within the Help menu, the Restart Web Server option can be used to simply reload your own session. This option does not take any effect system-wide.

How to install kernels on Jupyter Notebooks?

For more information, please visit the following link - Using other programming languages / Jupyter kernels.

Do I need to be on the VPN if working from HMS?

No, you only need to be on the VPN when working from off-campus or any of the affiliate's hospitals.

Can I use any web browser with Open OnDemand?

We recommend using Chrome or Firefox. NOTE: Open OnDemand features might not work properly when using the Safari web browser.

Why is the RC Shiny app showing ".../app.sock: No such file or directory" in the log file?

The error is related to the httpuv package, which is a dependency for the shiny package. Please reinstall the httpuv package from GitHub. For example:

# If needed install devtools install.packages('devtools') # Install httpuv from GH devtools::install_github("rstudio/httpuv").

After logging to Open OnDemand, it hangs until a “504 Gateway Time-out” message is displayed

Restart your HMS VPN and try again.