Code Server on O2

We strongly recommend using the VS Code application on the O2 Portal. For more information, please visit

Code Server is an open-source tool similar to VS Code, and it brings the functionality of VS Code to your browser. Important - As an open-source tool, code-server is not displaying or allowing the installation of some extensions (e.g., Copilot, Copilot Chat, other GitHub-related extensions), due to proprietary restrictions.

This page shows you how to install and run VS Code using your local browser. Let us know if you have any questions.

Connect to O2

Please review the How to Login to O2 and the Using Slurm Basic wiki pages for more details. If using a Windows computer, we recommend to download/install open a new terminal. If using a Mac computer, you can open the ‘Terminal’ app and use the ssh command as follow:

# Select a port between 50000 to 60000 for yourself using the command 'netstat' in a local terminal. Select a port that says 'listening' or 'established'. export PORT=51234 export CLUSTER_USER=YourHMSID ssh -L $PORT:$PORT $

Newer versions of code-server aren't compatible with CentOS 7. Therefore, a container is necessary to circumvent the compatibility issue.

Run the latest version (4.20.0) using a container

# Export the port number export PORT=51234 # Launch an interactive job (resources: 2 hours and 3 GiB of RAM) srun --pty -p priority -t 0-2 --mem=3G --tunnel $PORT:$PORT bash # Start code-server using the singularity container singularity exec /n/app/singularity/containers/code-server-v4.20.0.sif /app/code-server/bin/code-server # In theory, you should see something similar to: singularity exec /n/app/singularity/containers/code-server-v4.20.0.sif /app/code-server/bin/code-server [2024-01-11T17:15:54.233Z] info code-server 4.20.0 [2024-01-11T17:15:54.237Z] info Using user-data-dir /home/<HMS_ID>/.local/share/code-server [2024-01-11T17:15:54.264Z] info Using config file /home/<HMS_ID/.config/code-server/config.yaml [2024-01-11T17:15:54.265Z] info HTTP server listening on [2024-01-11T17:15:54.265Z] info - Authentication is enabled [2024-01-11T17:15:54.266Z] info - Using password from /home/<HMS_ID>/.config/code-server/config.yaml [2024-01-11T17:15:54.266Z] info - Not serving HTTPS [2024-01-11T17:15:54.267Z] info Session server listening on /home/<HMS_ID/.local/share/code-server/code-server-ipc.sock # To see the password on /home/<HMS_ID>/.config/code-server/config.yaml # You'll need to open a new terminal, connect to O2, and paste the following command: cat ~/.config/code-server/config.yaml

Installing and Testing an Older Version Locally

export PORT=51234 srun --pty -p priority -t 8:0:0 --tunnel $PORT:$PORT bash mkdir -p ~/.local/lib ~/.local/bin curl -fL | tar -C ~/.local/lib -xz mv ~/.local/lib/code-server-4.7.0-linux-amd64 ~/.local/lib/code-server-4.7.0 # Start code server ~/.local/lib/code-server-4.7.0/bin/code-server # You should see output: $ [2021-10-05T13:58:56.961Z] info code-server 4.7.0 4cd55f94c0a72f05c18cea070e10b969996614d2 [2021-10-05T13:58:56.962Z] info Using user-data-dir ~/.local/share/code-server [2021-10-05T13:58:56.995Z] info Using config file ~/.config/code-server/config.yaml [2021-10-05T13:58:56.995Z] info HTTP server listening on [2021-10-05T13:58:56.995Z] info - Authentication is enabled [2021-10-05T13:58:56.995Z] info - Using password from ~/.config/code-server/config.yaml [2021-10-05T13:58:56.995Z] info - Not serving HTTPS # Command + click the "" to open the link # Then copy and paste the password to browser cat ~/.config/code-server/config.yaml

Create an Alias to login, start an interactive job, and launch code-server from a local machine


Note: You don't have to use the number 51234 for the PORT; you can choose any number within the range of 50,000 for the PORT value.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Why I see “port 51234 is in use or unavailable" when launching code-server?

Please select a different port number in the 50,000 range.

Why am I encountering the message “channel #: open failed: connect failed: Connection refused" in the terminal?

You have a code-server tab open in your browser. The solution is to simply close the tab or tabs.