Submit O2 jobs directly from O2Portal

Submit O2 jobs directly from O2Portal

You can submit jobs directly from the OOD web browser interface. To compose and submit a job click the tab Jobs and select Job Composer

and you should land on a web page similar to:


You can create a job from an existing template, using data from a specified path, or from a previous job.

Select first the Templates tab at the top of the page to create your own job template, you should land on a page like:

Click first on the “New Template” button to create your first job template, you should see:

you can enter an existing path under the path field to specify a location in O2 where you have a script file that can be used for the template, otherwise a default main.sh file will be created.

After clicking Save you should see back in the template option

and you can use the Open Dir button to edit the content of those files using the OOD file editor.

You can now create a new job by clicking Create New Job which will take you back to previous the Jobs tab where you can see the details of this jobs and if everything looks fine you can submit the job by clicking the Submit button

You can also create a job directly from a specified path

or from a previously created job


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